Creative Director


Creativity is a trait embedded in our DNA by God Himself. He is the original Creator, and because we are made in His likeness, we share this gift. Some people have it more, others less. In my case, the ease of creating texts, music, paintings, names, slogans, products, campaigns, advertisements, and innovative strategies comes almost naturally. This talent led me into the communication market as a Creative Director for major companies such as Pfizer, CLARO, NET, SHOULDER, DMS Burnier, and many others over my 30-year career.

Art Director


The keen sense of aesthetic balance and passion for visual arts fit perfectly with leading a company that works daily on creating visual arts for packaging, product design, fleets, clothing, social media content, websites, corporate identities, and the entire visual universe that is part of a company. Thus, for three decades, I have coordinated and directed various teams of graphic artists in developing numerous award-winning pieces..

Content Producer and Writer


Creating daily content for publications, blogs, articles, catalogs, and news, I produce content for various commercial, institutional, editorial, and artistic segments. Now, in addition to my work as a writer for the business sector, I have started writing my content for publishing books and series on various topics about the life of a Christian businessman and providing support content for new entrepreneurs.

Lectures and Training


Presenting case studies and projects to clients, competitions, and pitches is part of the daily routine for those working in the advertising world. This experience, combined with my time as a professor in digital arts courses, training teams, and leading study groups, laid the foundation for starting lectures for business owners, learning communities, and graduates.